Friday, February 12, 2010

Lets Get It!
Are a pop rock band from Dayton, Ohio.
They have a unique sound, they actually have a very refreshing sound for their genre. They currently Have their 1st Ep Digital Spaces available everywhere right now (HINT HINT)
Digital spaces Is an amazing Ep that takes you to a new place in your mind with head turning guitar riffs that makes you just want to get up.
Something that sets them apart from everyone in their genre is that they have a kind of dark side to them in there lyrics. Currently Lets Get It is in the studio working on the first Full length which remain nameless right now it is set for a release later this year or early next year. They currently are on Tour with Breathe Carolina.
I'd like to add Lets Get It! is amazing Live They Will be bigger than ever soon enough.
For everyone who has Rock band Expect Lets Get it to be on Rock Band soon.
Lets Get It Is Personally one of My Favorite Bands.
Go Check them out so they can be your favorite to.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm Pop Rock band interresting sound. Nice post. Im going to follow you come check me out when you get a chance.
